End User Authentication against IMAP service

With IMAP method, Spider connects to your email server via IMAP protocol to authenticate end users.

Server addressThe IP address or FQDN name of your email server.
Port numberThe port number IMAP service is listening on.
Usually port 993 offers SSL secure connection, 143 is TLS / STARTTLS.
Connection Timeout (in seconds)If connection can not be established in certain seconds, authentication will abort.
Defaults to 10 seconds.
Server requires secure connection (SSL)Toggle on this option if IMAP service requires SSL secure connection.
Server requires secure connection (TLS, STARTTLS)Toggle on this option if IMAP service requires TLS / STARTTLS secure connection.
NOT verify server SSL certToggle on this option if Server address is an IP address, or server uses a self-signed SSL cert.

End User Authentication - IMAP