The Config File: settings.json

Spider's config file is /opt/spider/settings.json, a JSON file. It looks like below:

WARNING: Although it's very easy to update settings.json with a text editor, but we strongly recommend to update settings through the web console, to make sure it has correct syntax and valid values.

    "admin_emails": [

    "archiving_username": "archive",
    "archiving_domain": "",
    "archiving_with_host_ip": true,

    "brand_short_name": "Spider",
    "brand_full_name": "Spider Email Archiver",
    "brand_logo_image": "",
    "brand_favicon_image": "",
    "brand_website": "",

    "license_key": "",

    "log_level": "info",
    "log_target": "file",
    "log_rotate_interval": "1w",
    "log_max_backups": 20,
    "log_syslog_server": "/dev/log",

    "retention_years": 0,

    "storage_type": "local",
    "s3_endpoint", "https://...",
    "s3_region": "...",
    "s3_access_key": "...",
    "s3_secret_key": "...",
    "s3_bucket": "...",

    "smtpd_bind_address": ":25",
    "smtpd_force_secure_conn": false,
    "smtpd_allowed_only": false,
    "smtpd_auth": false,
    "smtpd_user": "",
    "smtpd_password": "",

    "web_bind_address": ":8080",
    "web_home_path": "",
    "web_default_language": "en_US"
  • admin_emails: A list of admininistrators' email addresses. These addresses will receive daily archiving report and other notifications.
  • archiving_username: The username part of the archiving email address.
  • archiving_domain: The domain part of the archiving email address. This is optional since you can also use IP address in domain part (see archiving_with_host_ip).
  • archiving_with_host_ip: Use IP address(es) on host machine as the domain part of archiving email address. Must be a boolean type value (true or false), defaults to true.
  • brand_short_name (v2.5.0): Short name of your brand. Display on top-left corner, right beside logo image. Leave it empty to not display a name.
  • brand_full_name (v2.5.0): Full name of your brand. Display on head of login page and footer of all pages.
  • brand_logo_image (v2.5.0): Relative path of logo image under /opt/spider/brand/. Display on top-left corner. Supported image format: png, jpg, jpeg. Max size: 2MB. For example, logo.jpeg (which is /opt/spider/brand/logo.jpeg).
  • brand_favicon_image (v2.5.0): Relative path of favicon image under /opt/spider/brand/. Displayed within the web browser tabs and bookmarks bar. Supported image format: ico. Max size: 10KB.
  • brand_website (v2.5.0): URL of your website. Display on footer of all pages.
  • license_key: The license key you get after purchased a license.
  • log_level: The application log level. Available levels are: info, error, debug. Defaults to info for production use.
  • log_target: The log target. Available targets are:
    • file: logs to file /opt/spider/log/spiderd.log
    • syslog: logs to local or remote syslog server. Parameter log_syslog_server is required.
  • log_rotate_interval: For how long to rotate the log file. This parameter is used when log_target set to file.
  • log_max_backups (v2.4.0): Keep how many rotated log files. Defaults to 20.
  • log_syslog_server: Address of local or remote syslog server. For example:
    • /dev/log: local syslog server via socket path. This is default setting.
    • udp:localhost:514: local syslog server via network address.
    • udp: remote syslog server via udp protocol.
    • tcp: remote syslog server via tcp protocol.
  • retention_years: Keep archived email data for how many years. Older data will be removed permanently and automatically. Defaults to 0 which means keep forever.
  • storage_type (v2.5.0): Storage type. You can configure on web UI: Settings -> Storage.
  • s3_endpoint (v2.5.0): Endpoint of Amazon S3 compatible storage.
  • s3_region (v2.5.0): Region of Amazon S3 compatible storage.
  • s3_access_key (v2.5.0): Access key of Amazon S3 compatible storage.
  • s3_secret_key (v2.5.0): Secret key of Amazon S3 compatible storage.
  • s3_bucket (v2.5.0): Bucket name of Amazon S3 compatible storage.
  • smtpd_bind_address: The bind address and port number for SMTP service. Defaults to listen on port 25 on all IP addresses configured on server. Valid formats of listen address:
    • ip:port: Listen on given IP address and port. Multiple values must be separated by comma. For example:
      • Listen on port 2424 of, and port 2525 of, Note: In this example, both and are IP addresses configured on your server.
    • :port: Listen on all IP addresses (available on your server ) and given port. Multiple values must be separated by comma. For example:
      • Listen on port 25: :25
      • Listen on ports 25 and 26: :25,:26
  • smtpd_force_secure_conn: Force secure SMTP connections between mail server and Spider. A valid ssl cert is required to offer secure connection.
  • smtpd_allowed_only: Accept SMTP connections from allowed mail servers. You can configure the IP addresses of allowed mail servers on web console.
  • smtpd_auth: Enable SMTP authentication. If smtp auth is enabled, mail server must configure SMTP authentication to send / forward email to Spider.
  • smtpd_user: The smtp username used for smtp authentication.
  • smtpd_password: The smtp password used for smtp authentication.
  • web_bind_address: The bind address for http service used by web console. Valid formats of listen address please check the explaination of parameter smtpd_bind_address.
  • web_home_path: If the web console is running behind a http proxy server, a different http endpoint may be used and specified here.
  • web_default_language: Default language of web console. User can change the language in Preferences page after logged in.