

  • A standalone machine is required to run Spider.

  • Supported CPU architectures are:

    • x86_64 / amd64
    • arm64
    • arm7
    • RISC-V 64bit

    Contact us if you need to run Spider on a machine with different CPU architecture.

  • At least 1GB memory is required.

    Spider processes N email messages concurrently (N is same as CPU cores on your machine), if max size of single message (allowed by your mail server) is 20MB, then Spider requires at least N * 20MB memory.

    Spider daemon process uses about 100MB memory.

Spider compresses and encrypts messages before saving to disk, they're CPU-heavy works, so CPU resource is more important than memory.

Operating System

  • All systemd-based Linux distributions should work fine.

    These Linux distributions are officially tested:

    • CentOS Stream
    • Rocky Linux
    • AlmaLinux
    • Debian
    • Ubuntu

    Spider is written in Golang programming language, no external dependences required on server OS, feel free to contact us if you need to run Spider on an non-systemd system.

Network and Firewall

Spider listens on network ports 25 and 8080 by default, if you have a valid ssl cert, port 443 is used instead of 8080. They must be open in your network firewall.

  • Network port numbers are configurable.
  • Port 25 is SMTP service, used to accept emails from your mail server.
  • Port 8080 is web console.

Spider also connect to to check new version and license info, so please make sure it's reachable.


Disk space totally depends on the emails you're going to archive.

  • Archived email data is about 60% large of the original mailboxes.
  • The full-text index data is about 5% large of the original mailboxes.
  • SQL databases grow slowly while it archives more and more emails. 100 million emails may generate 20GB databases.